
Expert-Led Webinars by Industry Leaders
These webinars offer an invaluable learning experience that covers various facets of the industry, from emerging trends to practical applications.
Health Checking Your Captive
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

With changes in captive legislation, tax reform, and fluctuating commercial...

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Buy and Sell green road sign against blue sky
2018 – The State of the Captive Insurance Market

2017 was a pivotal year for the captive insurance industry with continued scrutiny...

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The Changing Tax Landscape and the Implications for Captives
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

In December Congress passed the most significant tax overhaul for 30 years...

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Cyber Risk and Captives
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

High profile data breaches at Equifax and Uber continue to highlight the growing...

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SRS Altitude handshake
The Effective Use of Protected Cell Companies
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

This webinar will present how a Protected Cell Captive (PCC) can be used to create...

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SRS Captive Insurance Construction Industry
The Use of Captives in the Construction Industry
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The construction industry faces some unique risk exposures and different...

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