Commercial (Re) Insurance

The commercial (re)insurance landscape is complex and ever-changing.

How It 

High risks and regulatory requirements demand constant vigilance and expertise. It’s challenging to stay up-to-date on fluctuating market conditions, manage diverse risk profiles, and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.

At SRS, we empower businesses and stakeholders to control and leverage risk through commercial insurance and reinsurance ventures.
Get in Touch
SRS Staff member at her laptop reviewing Commercial (Re) Insurance

Managing Insurance Entities for Over 25 Years

Our insurance capabilities cover the full range of commercial insurers, with an emphasis on alternative transfer:
•  P&C classes 3 to 4 & Life C and D in Bermuda; Classes B(iii), C, and D in Cayman Islands
•  Mutual insurance companies
•  Special purpose vehicles
•  Protected cell facilities
•  Incorporated cell facilities
•  Segregated cell facilities of commercial carriers
•  Other commercially licensed insurance entities

Get Access to a Full Range of Insurance Management Services

Formation Services
Realize your insurance or reinsurance aspirations with our expert management and consulting services.

From licensing to initiating underwriting operations, we provide comprehensive support. Streamline your journey with our guidance on establishing fit for purpose corporate policies and procedures, financial modeling and budgeting, and navigating initial and steady state licensing procedures and requirements.

Early in your operations, benefit from our professional team's turnkey administration and accounting support (treasury, investments, management and external reporting), customized for your immediate needs and scalable for future growth.

On-Going Management
Once a business is established, it can benefit from the following ongoing services:
  • Financial Expertise: Flexible accounting support, financial statement preparation (US GAAP & IFRS), and audit assistance. Proficient in Bermuda BSCR and AM Best’s BCAR capital adequacy reviews, along with actuarial support for loss reserve analysis and Fair Value estimates.
  • Risk Management & Consulting: Comprehensive risk consultation with program design and capital optimization planning, coupled with expansion consulting for product development, geographic growth, and business plan execution.
  • Banking & Treasury Solutions: Robust banking, cash management, and treasury services including Letters of Credit and trust accounts, ensuring efficient financial operations.
  • Regulatory & Compliance Advisory: Dedicated guidance for on-going regulatory and rating agency reporting, focusing on compliance, enterprise risk, and governance, including anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CTF), and Code of Conduct requirements.
  • Operational Management & Support: End-to-end operational underwriting management for property/casualty lines, encompassing policy processing, premium collection, claims payment processing and administration. Maintenance and reconciliation of underwriting and claims data are also provided.
  • Corporate Infrastructure & Representation: Offering a "home base" of offices for C-Suite and staff, complete with executive assistance and seconded employees. Representation as the Principal liaison with local regulators and primary contact for Economic Substance Reporting.
Global Capability
Our insurance and reinsurance company services are available in multiple jurisdictions and domiciles. Whether in Barbados, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Europe, or the US, our global reach ensures you get the localized expertise and support you need.
Experienced Professionals
Benefit from the expertise of our seasoned team, featuring industry leaders from the (re)insurance world. Our staff includes former CEOs and CFOs of prominent US and offshore commercial insurance and reinsurance companies, including Lloyds and European insurers.

You'll also have access to top-tier accounting support and IT professionals with experience from major commercial insurers and reinsurers. Our key team members are ready to bring their extensive experience to your service.
Get in Touch
Our managed insurance entity clients collectively write over $8 billion in annual gross written premiums.
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