Cell Facilities

Protected Cell Companies, Segregated Account Companies, and Sponsored Captives

How It Works

We have several cell facilities available for clients to use. They’re located in different domiciles, using varying cell structures to give our clients multiple choices.

Our cell facilities suit prospective captive owners looking for rent-a-captive solutions and capital market investors looking to participate in (re)insurance programs.

We’re happy to make introductions to these facilities or our managed group captives.

For more information on our cell facilities, download our cell brochure.

 Very intelligent managers/directors that offer a lot of support. Also very quick to respond to questions and provide technical information/advice.”
Austin Berliner 
Assistant General Counsel, Risk Management & Chief Real Estate Counsel, C&J
Green Mountain
Cell Facilities
Green Mountain Sponsored Captive (Green Mountain) is a protected cell captive insurance company in Vermont. Licensed in 2012, Green Mountain and its clients are the beneficiaries of Vermont’s highly commended governance and regulatory environment.

Green Mountain offers a turn-key captive solution in the largest US domicile. Its cells include captive programs, insuring traditional property and casualty risk, and group medical stop-loss programs.

SRS Elevanta, an association management organization, and Southern Insurance Underwriters, a certified Managing General Agency, own Green Mountain. For more information, visit gocaptivegogreen.com.
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Coral Stone Insurance SPC, Ltd.
Cell Facilities
Coral Stone is a specialty insurer and reinsurer based in the Cayman Islands. It provides a facility for organizations seeking a third-party risk transfer financing vehicle. Under the Cayman insurance laws, these organizations can establish a Segregated Portfolio or Portfolio Insurance Company.

Coral Stone was incorporated in 2020 to provide SRS clients with a specialty insurer and reinsurer facility. It has been used by several SRS clients as an “incubator” for their risk transfer financing vehicle before transferring their program to a stand-alone insurance company in the Cayman Islands or other domiciles.
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Outer Banks Risk Solutions, Inc.
Cell Facilities
Outer Banks Risk Solutions, Inc (Outer Banks) is an onshore rent-a-captive facility that offers turnkey captive insurance solutions to SRS clients. Outer Banks is a North Carolina licensed protected cell captive insurance company fully controlled by SRS.

The North Carolina protected cell structure allows for the creation of incorporated and protected cells (or unincorporated cells).
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Superior Risk Solutions
Superior Risk Solutions SAC, Ltd (Superior) is a Bermuda-based Segregated Account Company (SAC), regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority and registered under the Segregated Accounts Companies Act of 2000. Superior is operated and managed by SRS Bermuda.

This facility provides a turnkey alternative to standalone captives as well as a special purpose vehicle or “transformer” facility for Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) transactions like collateralized (re)insurance. Entities that want to move from a carrier or broker-sponsored cell facility or as an incubator for start-up captives can use the segregated accounts company.

Leaving a broker or carrier-sponsored cell managed by SRS for a cell within Superior, clients can continue to operate within the Bermuda domicile while retaining their existing service team.
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Opportuna Insurance PPC Limited
Opportuna Insurance PCC, Ltd (Opportuna) is a Guernsey Protected Cell Company licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. Opportuna provides a protected cell environment to support bespoke risk management solutions and is available for current and future clients interested in establishing a presence in Guernsey.

Opportuna is operated and managed by SRS for the exclusive benefit of our clients. It provides a turnkey solution for captive insurance programs and a special-purpose vehicle for financial transactions such as Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS). Opportuna is registered under Guernsey’s pre-authorization program, allowing cells to be set up within 48 hours.
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Global Re SCC
Global Re SCC (Global Re) is a Barbados-based specialty insurer and reinsurer facility for organizations looking for a third-party risk transfer financing vehicle to establish a segregated cell in a licensed insurance entity. Global Re was incorporated on June 1, 2004, and currently has a Class 1 license from the Barbados Financial Services Commission.

It has been a licensed entity since August 27, 2004, and may engage in general and long-term insurance, specifically ordinary life insurance. Global Re was acquired by Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS) effective September 30, 2021, to provide a Barbados-domiciled solution for our rent-a-captive clients and capital market investors seeking to participate in (re)insurance programs.
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